IIT-JAM, JEST, TIFR, M.Sc Entrance Correspondence Course in Physics
There is specialized faculty for each topic of IIT-JAM Physics syllabus. Faculty at fiziks coaching institute is highly experienced and professional whose educational background is from reputed institute like I.I.T, J.N.U and B.H.U etc. The complete study material has been developed by team of fiziks faculty.
It will also help students to qualify exams like JEST, TIFR, JNU, BHU, DU, HCU and ISM Dhanbad etc.
The correspondence material IIT-JAM, JEST, TIFR, M.Sc Entrance exam includes:
- Meticulously designed complete study material based on IIT-JAM Physics syllabus.
- There is separate booklet for each topic.
- The approach is to first develop basic understanding of each topic by explaining the concepts and solving problems based on the same concept. Then tricky and competition based problems has been discussed.
- After completion of each chapter there will be set of MCQ, NAT and MSQ (with answers) for practice.
- Previous year questions and solutions.
- Online Test Series (IIT-JAM and Other M.Sc. Entrance) includes
- Part test
- Five full length test (Online)
For each test solution will be provided through email.
- Mathematical formula sheet
- Topic wise assignments will be sent to your registered Email ID.
- Students can clear their doubt by via email. Students can also take personal guidance/ telephonic discussion by concerned faculty only after giving prior information to management.
Follow The Links To Download For JAM Correspondence Contents
- Contents Mathematical Physics
- Contents Mechanics
- Contents Waves and Optics
- Contents Content Electricity and Magnetism
- Contents Thermal and Statmech
- Contents Modern Physics
- Contents Electronics and Solid State Physics
Fee for whole program is ₹ 7000 ₹ 5999 /- (Including all taxes) (Hard Copy and Soft Copy Study Material)
Fee for whole program is ₹ 4999 ₹ 3999 /-(Including all taxes) (Soft Copy Study Material)
How to Join Correspondence Course
If you want to join our Correspondence Course then please follow these steps:
- Download Application Form.
- 2. Mode of Payments
- You can pay concerned amount of money through Online Payment.
- Through online transfer of concerned amount to our ICICI account:
(NAME: AVS FIZIKS PRIVATE LIMITED, Account number: 182405000010,
IFSC CODE: ICIC0001824, BRANCH: RK Puram, New Delhi) - Through DD/CHEQUE of concerned amount made in favour of AVS FIZIKS PRIVATE LIMITED.
- Direct payment of money in cash at Delhi centre in Jia Sarai.
- Duly filled Application form along with DD/Cheque should be sent by registered post / courier to our address.
If money is directly transfer to account, then please send scanned copy of form on our mail id fiziks.physics@gmail.com.
Our Address
fiziks, House No. 40 D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai
Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi.-110016
Phone No. : +91 – 11 – 26865455
Mobile No. : +91-9871145498, +91 – 9560523636
Mode of Delivery
Study material will be sent in one lot through courier/ registered post within one week after receiving your application form and payment.